Well, Taking about the rates of our call girls in Pune escorts service is very reasonable. But that doesn’t mean we are not providing best and high profile escorts service in Pune. We are providing All kind of escorts in Pune. High profile to low, Luxurious to cheap, Standard private escort to professional, we have everything with us in Pune.
Below are the rates of every category of Pune female escorts service.
Standard category ( College girls, Private working ladies, independent escorts etc.)
- 6000-8000 INR ( 1 Shot includes little kisses, HJ, BJ, foreplay, Maximum time 1.5 hours)
- 10000-12000 INR ( 2 shots, with BJ, HJ, Foreplay, Maximum time 3 hours.)
- 15000-20000 INR (3 shots with BJ, HJ, Full foreplay, Maximum time 8 to 10 hours.)
High profile Category ( Struggling models, Foreigners, small screen actresses etc.)
- 10000-12000 INR ( 1 Shot includes little kisses, HJ, BJ, foreplay, Maximum time 1.5 hours)
- 20000-25000 INR ( 2 shots, with BJ, HJ, Foreplay, Maximum time 3 hours.)
- 30000-40000 INR (3 shots with BJ, HJ, Full foreplay, Maximum time 8 to 10 hours.)